Sunday, January 25, 2009

Lord's Day Sabbath -1/25/09

We are studying Ephesians right now and have come to Chapter 5:21
We always end our worship time by having a question and answer session along with giving each family a pamphlet that contains various catechism questions and a section we call "Sermon Questions for Family Catechizing".
It is our hope that this will encourage discussion of the day's topic among family members and promote a sense of unity in our individual walk as members of the same local body.
The general discussion was on submission and a it's teaching for the body. I am doing a larger study of the topic in relation to some teaching that Brother Bunker has on his blog and am trying to make sure that we have a proper understanding of Romans 13 and related passages. I will let you know how it goes from time to time. For now I am including the questions that we handed out as a discussion starter. These were answered during the sermon but I don't have the capability to post sermons yet. I hope they help to sharpen someone as they have me. I am not a very submissive type, so it has been a needed study.
Sermon Questions for Family Catechizing
1. Is it important that we submit to earthly authorities?
2. Are earthly authorities appointed by God?
3. Did God appoint Family authority?, Church authority?, Civil authority?
4. Is earthly authority necessary for the good of the individual, the family, and community?
5. What would happen to the individual, family, and community if no one respected authority?
6. What did God say should happen to a young adult child who was obstinately rebellious and cursed or hit his parents?
7. What did God say should happen to a citizen who would obstinately refuse to obey the lawful and moral commands of the civil magistrate?
8. Does allowing such obstinate rebellion hurt the family and community?
9. Does God corporately bless a community that obeys God's commandments and corporately curse a community that disobeys His commandments?
10. Are we rebelling against God when we rebel against His earthly authorities?
11. Mutual submission means that we are to submit to each other based on our several relationships with each other. Can you give some examples of relationships that require submission?
12. What does the word 'reverence' mean?
13. Does 'respect' consist of fear and appreciation?
14. Must we learn to feel respect in our hearts for our authorities?
15. Must we learn to show respect with our words and behavior?
16. What are some of the ways we show respect with our words?
17. What are some of the ways we show respect with our behavior?

It should be noted that the issue of authority is conditioned on the 'lawful, and moral' commands of the authority in question. During the question and answer period my own question was dealing with when we may rightly disobey an authority and the answer was very helpful.
A. When can you rightly disobey your parents?
The same basic principle seems to apply. In self-defence against unjust abuse? By petitioning the magistrate for protection against abuse?
Where does this leave the Christian with a System like the one we live in now?
I am still working through some of these questions. It may be good for many of us to consider them now, while there is some freedom to work out the answers in a way that will allow us to maintain a consistent testimony.

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