Tuesday, May 31, 2011

What a year!

It has been a long time since I have had either the time or ability to do something as frivolous as blog about my little dreams of getting to the country. It still will be a while before I am able to do any serious catch up since there is nothing but dial-up in this part of the world. Still, I hope that I will find the time and inclination soon. For now it will have to suffice to say that we are alive and well in the wilds of our new land. If there is still such a thing as a modernized society with all the neat gadgets like electricity and computers around next month, I may try and play catch up....
Looking forward to sharing how God took a family of TEN with ZERO income and moved them out of the city and into a bountiful estate by His grace and our earnest prayer. I encourage those of you still on the fence about the how and when to get out of Babylon to PRAY. Really. Don't just think about it, but pour out your heart's desire to the Lord for His mercy in helping you get as far away from the coming crisis as possible.
For my confused and confessional friends, please do not think I am suggesting giving up our mission to proclaim the gospel in all the world. I am not. I am saying that you should wisely consider getting your family safe from the influence of the world system and then teach them how to evangelize like they are in the days of Noah, with an Ark ready to be used of God for the protection of His children. The plain fact is Preterism is just wrong and Futurism is just as bad, but the absolute greatest danger to the Church right now is the Post-Mill fallacy that is abounding in Protestantism.
So much for the diatribe. See you soon, Lord willing.


Rob said...

exactly how is preterism wrong?

Abigail said...

Dear brother, please excuse my rather brief answer but I only have limited time for the subject at this moment. Preterism, like Futurism, are both inventions of the Jesuit remonstrance to the the light of God given during the Reformation's beginning movement away from that great Whore of Babylon, the Roman Communion and Papacy. It is an attempt to get you to focus on any thing other than the real truth of the Eschatology of the Scriptures. The Pope of Rome is that Man of Sin and Son of Perdition spoken of so clearly and definitely in Daniel and Revelation. At present he appears to still have the wound inflicted by the removal of Inquisitional authority that he lost when the French Revolution put a temporary end to the power of Rome's sword being used by the various Monarchs of the earth to shed the blood of God's holy children. But mark this well, every line of prophetic scripture clearly and plainly speaks to the plowman and the theologian humble enough to hear, the Great Dragon is wroth because he knows his time is short, and the blood of the saints of the Most High will once more be shed as the Papacy revives it's coveted position of Whoredom once again. Harold Camping and Hal Lindsey are simple diversions allowed for the hardening of hearts against the truth. ...Where is the promise of His coming, since our fathers were of old we have {heard this}... I pray that your study of His word would continue in humble supplication of His Spirit for truth in these matters, and that we both might meet their on that Day when no man's opinion of Scripture will matter, and all our questions will fade away in reverence to His Glory.
Sincerely, Another Pundit

Rob said...

I have to agree that it is my hope that we will one day meet in the sky together and these opinions and questions will fade into obscurity.

However I find too much Biblical evidence supporting the Preterist viewpoint regardless of the historical perspective of Popes, and Romes, and Monarchs. NOT to say of course the Preterist Viewpoint condenses all of scripture. It is one of only a couple of things that I actually disagree with Mr. Bunker on.

Still, I enjoy immensely your blog and appreciate your time and effort devoted to it. Thanks for posting.