Thursday, June 4, 2009

Some changes I am making

I have decided that I will be adding 2 new blogs. This blog will focus more heavily and less frequently on homesteading and Agrarian Economic Theory, as I learn more about the subject.

I am separating most theology on a new blog titled Eternal Truths Applied and most news/political commentary on a blog called The Pundit's Folly which already has one post for now.

My reason for running 3 blogs is simple. I am not at all organized enough to run 1 blog properly!

What I mean is that I have tried to plan a couple of series that really pool all the current debates about Agrarianism into one concise yet systematic standard of confession. This is a daunting task for a learned man to accomplish properly, and I am not learned in these matters.

What I have learned about myself is that there are some core interests and areas of experience that I have, and I would like to share them.

These areas include homesteading and the need for modern families to consider this as an alternative to the current system which keeps Dad away from home

Agrarianism may be an economic outgrowth of this primary goal of re-uniting families.

I cannot yet say that it is the only biblical model.

I see much of the problem with modern industrialism to be misuse and sin within the component parts. Not exactly the whole system being inherently evil.

I know that many will disagree strongly. I am not getting all snuggly with the 'world' here. Rather, I am sincerely attempting to be a faithful steward of God's word in these matters.

I will post more on this later.

For now, I hope to establish 3 basic blogs dealing with the 3 things that most interest me;
1. Homesteading and the return of fathers to the duty of training their children full-time as the scriptures require.
2. Speaking out against the apostasy of our leaders in church,state, and culture.
3. Edifying and exhorting the Church to holy living.

I pray that God may be pleased with my efforts to Glorify Him in these things. I also hope that they are a help to others.

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