I am doing a little reading when time permits. It seems that there is always some new issue out there that calls our attention into the focus mode and forces us to clarify our statement of belief. It can be daunting at times. As I look at all the modern news and the ever advancing pace of the decline in the world, I can become overwhelmed with the sheer volume of topics that need to be examined. Add to that the various doctrinal debates in play among the ecclesia, and you gain a good deal of respect for certain folks who seem to have a knack for prolific involvement of these issues. It seems that I never visit visit my fellow bloggers, but that they have already written whole treatises on nearly every 'hot topic' out there! It really is enough to make a fellow consider his own insignificance. No whining here. Just stating the facts. I chose the moniker, Pilgrim Pundit for that reason. It helps remind me of two important points;
1. I am, above all else, a Pilgrim in this world. My hope and faith are set above, in Christ's kingdom of eternal glory. I do not want the duties and desires of this world to overshadow my spirit to the point wherein I lose sight of that fact. While I, like all Christians, have a duty to testify of His glory while here, ultimately, we are moving toward a glorified state of existence.
And 2. Choosing Pundit, helps me to remember that my ideas are not overly original. There has always been some shoulder for me to stand on as an aid in interpreting these issues. Many great men have left behind an awesome amount of 'material' for me to work from. Besides, all one has to do is google a topic and there will be plenty of expert opinions on how best to interpret and define almost any subject I can think of. Such is the case for my new post today. There are many opinions from men much more learned and intelligent than I will ever be. For my lack of genetic capacity I plead grace for wisdom. Wisdom is a funny thing. You can have a small intelligence and still possess great wisdom. This is my hope. By obeying the commands and spiritual law of Scripture, I seek to gain a more Christ-like appearance while here. This is wisdom training. It is complicated by the world, the flesh, and Satan. I pray for more grace here.
Of late, I have been compelled to rethink some of my cherished conceptions of things relating to the issues of Separation and my views on Reformation. I have been torn between two very thoughtful 'camps' of ideas. On the one side there are those who insist that the only proper path for a Christian to follow is to leave all attachments with this world. I do not mean only the spiritual attachments, but all forms; monetary, employment, and general daily involvement. I am simplifying the approach of this 'side' for brevity here, but that is the basic idea. ALL attachment to world system is really seen as a hidden love for the sin and vice of this world. There is a great deal of wisdom in this camp. Too often, we have seen the the results of being a halfling.
A halfling is that poor and wretched creature that has had a glimpse of the Celestial City from afar, as it were. They have, perhaps been given some small measure of sight through the portal of another's mind eye. They have walked next to a traveler, who has tasted of the goodness of that Blessed Land, and they have felt the awe that comes when a halfling becomes a changling. Perhaps they were nearby when their former companion was given the sight of that land. It could be that they have felt a part of that cleansing Spirit as it passed by and lay claim to the changling. But alas! For all the peace and warmth that they felt, there was still something amiss. A certain fearful judgement that met them when they thought on these things. So, like all halflings do, they looked around them. They looked at the great multitude who also had daily concourse with the changling, and they listened to these fine, gentle looking folk explain the predicament that the changling was in. "Too much ardour!", said they. "Poor fellow, taking things far too seriously", ... " obviously has had a bad go of things somewhere in the past!" Then the halfing was relieved! He came to find out that all one needed to do was join the club, and show a giving spirit! Then, there would be no need for such extremities as that other fellow went to...
It is sad that this is the commentary on so many in our land today. They are members in good standing of some local congregation. Many of them are involved in the United Way and the local Blood Donation drives! They are overall, orderly and smartly attired each Lord's Day, and often bring donuts and coffee for the Sunday School class. They know John 3:16 and think that God, Guns, and Guts! made America free...and they have never spent a single morning in prayer with their spouse and children, or rushed home from work to get ready for the evening catechism question and Bible study, or asked God for more holiness and temperance in their lives. These tares are a stumbling block to many travelers and should live in a certain sense of dread at the revealing of that great and terrible Day of the LORD. My brethren that teach the Separation side of the argument see the tentacles of these spiritual vampires as being spread so broadly in this system, that there is nothing left for us to do but 'get out'. They have preached the word to them and seen them turn and rend many a young saint. They have pleaded with them to reconsider and been met with threat and scorn. They see that the judgement of God is heavily upon Sodom, and feel compelled to follow the example of Lot, before they too are caught up in this mess. For the separationist, they are simply following the warning of God...The Angel of the LORD is coming to slay, not just the first-born, but everyone who does not have the blood of the Lamb upon the lintel and the door posts. I cannot find fault with the desire of any man to live holy unto God and give due honor to the Blood of Christ that was given that we might be cleansed from the filth of this Sodom around us. Even so, there are other brethren who hold these same desires for manifesting the Glory and Righteousness of the Lord, and yet find that they are compelled to stay and strive with all their spirit against the encroaching darkness! They are concerned that they have not yet resisted unto blood. They too, see the battle but have also heard a call to stand fast.
Next time I will share some of their thoughts...
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