Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Mia's News

Just a small update. Wonderful news for a beautiful family! We are rejoicing in the Lord with them. Check out her site on my side bar. She is the Aspiring Homemaker and a model of hope for the upcoming generations! Be sure to check out last year's posts. They are not showing right now but you will be thrilled at so much that this young lady has set her hand to. Cannot recommend her enough.


Andi said...

I noticed on Herrick Kimball's blog that you were possibly coming to WV but were unsure about the church situation. I'm not sure what denomination you belong to, but I can see that you are reformed. I attend Trinity Orthodox Presbyterian Church, which is a small church in Huntington, WV, but I'm the only one who is agrarian-minded. There's another OPC in Morgantown.

Abigail said...

Thank you so much for the encouragement and keep the faith on your agrarianism. We too, are in a similar situation but have openly sought to share some agrarian articles with our pastor/teaching elder. The area in WV that we are looking at has a zipcode that is shared by Spencer, WV. I will googlemap the area in relation to you. We attend the RPCGA which has several former OPC guys in it so are familiar with your denomination. Great to know that there are others out there. I will update you as we move closer to the time and we can share email and possibly Worship with you while there. , Bob

Anonymous said...

We're new to this "blogging" world and are trying to figure out how it all works. I happened to read a couple of your posts on other christian agrarian sites we were looking at. We're in PA and if I can take your words...we feel like "misfits" here too! (doctrines of grace, homeschooling, homebirth, head covering, feeling a call to be separate). Anyway, lots to say (and ask and learn), but I just wanted to ask you if you've ever looked into bountiful gardens (www.bountifulgardens.org) for seeds? I know you posted (somewhere!) about wheat being bred to not be able to reproduce? That company sells heirloom, untreated, open-pollinated. They sell a bunch of different grains...thought maybe it'd be a help to you.
(By the way, I couldn't figure out any other way to email you, so I put this in a "post comment" section. Hope you get it...)
Tina (and Caleb) Piper

Abigail said...

Mrs. Piper,
Thanks for the link. I will look it up Monday. I am glad there are still some varieties available.
We know exactly how you feel about being misfits. We don't purposely seek the status but it seems to keep coming around! I should be posting again soon and I plan on sharing a few home-birthing stories that I am considering submitting to Countryside Magazine( they are looking for some stories if you are interested). There is so much opportunity for blogging to reach others that I would encourage you to jump in and try. Even if it is just a journal for your own family. You can keep it 'locked' just for family/friends if you are uncomfortable with the public domain. I will try and figure out how to add an email link to my blog. We have been pretty busy with our garden prep lately so not much time for blogging. We pray that you will consider some of the links on the side bar for your edification. My list isn't complete yet, but there is alot of good encouragement out there.
Thank you for commenting, it is great to know that there are like-minded folk around. God bless and keep you, Robert