Saturday, December 20, 2008

Heady Ideas & Eclectic Thoughts

I will be posting a new series of blogs soon, as research time allows, concerning a variety of issues pertaining to Agrarianism, The Green Movement, and the involvement of the Church in these areas. Because I am new to blogging, I will apologize in advance for the formatting and rambling. I will try to keep things in as cohesive a manner as possible.

It is my hope to better understand some of my brethren, (sisters too!), and offer some additional thoughts to our mutual discussion of living a proper existence while here.

This is quite an undertaking for me and I am very alive to the fact that there are so many folk out there doing this sort of thing. Some quite well, and others...that I pray for.

My main focus will be on a Reformed view of Holiness/Separation, and Industrialization/City-dwelling. It is a subject that has been well covered by many others, but I feel a deeper need to understand the arguments. So as a result, I will be seeking answers from some of the more "experienced" folks out there to help clarify these issues.

Please pray for me as I undertake this task. It is my hope that it will lead to a greater unity among the many Christian's out there as we properly define the meaning of Agrarianism for the next generation.

Just a hint! Some of the subjects that we will be tackling are as follows:

Reconstructionism vs. Separatism

Is Urbanization unwise...or Sinful?

Is your garden eschatology sound?


Anonymous said...

Hello! I would like to encourage you on your blogging journey. It takes awhile to gain readers, but the Lord will draw like-minded brethren your way. I'm enjoying your writings, although I don't categorize myself as "Reformed", or any other denomination. I believe the Holy Scriptures and the grace doctrines contained therein, and I read mostly the Puritans and, yes, the Reformers :-) I'm also a follower of most of the blogs on your sidebar, so we must be like-minded in a few areas!

Like yourself, my husband and I do not yet have our "land", and so I'm encouraged by your message of doing what you can where you are. I look forward to your next posts...

Grace and peace to you,
The Pilgrim Path

Abigail said...

Thank you very much for the encouraging word. It is a pleasure knowing that there are others out there who are walking this same path. Your blog title was my first choice when I got the idea to start writing. One of my favorite books is the Pilgrim's Progress by Bunyan.
As for the minor differences in our "affiliations", I beleive that we will all be suprised to see the variety of 'camps' when we get to heaven. Of course, once there we will no longer be of varying opinions but will all know even as we are known. I look forward to that day and am thankful to the Lord for His gentleness toward mankind. I also come from a non-denominational background and have a sensitivity to some of the problems with the sectarianism of many denominations. It is my hope to write on some of these things one day. It would do many people good to remember that the longest prayer recorded in the New Testament is Christ's prayer for unity among the brethren in John 17. I geuss the battle for both of us is how to obey the call to unity while avoiding the mainline eucumenicalism of todays watered down churchianity. May God grant that we are all longsuffering while on this pilgrim way.
Your friend, Bob

Edward Rivera said...


I also encourage you to keep preaching the out of the cities message. I first got acquainted with it about 10 years ago living in suburban Washington, D.C. in a little book entitled "Country Living" by Ellen G. White. You can easily google a pdf copy.

Now, we are in the country in New England and yet still struggling to prepare for the Lord's soon coming. So much still to learn...

God bless you!

Abigail said...

Brother Rivera,
Thank you for your input. I am not familiar with the book you mention but I will look it up this week.

Abigail said...
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Abigail said...

Brother Rivera, I did find the book and will be reading it. I must confess that I am not normally a fan of Mrs. White and her religious views but it looks like an interesting read and I will let you know what I think of it in the future.
Thank you for the suggestion.